Meher Advent 2024 – Day 24

Daily jigsaw puzzle (image rendered by Prasad Kora): Click Here

Daily Sketch from Barbara Schauer:

Daily Painting

“Meher Baba Casting His Net” by Tom Riley

Daily Poem

“Birthday Offering”
by Shuddhananda Bharati

Blaze, Lights of Victory!
Blow, trumpets of Glory!
Hail, Lord of Love Divine
MEHER BABA, the Ancient One!
Long live Meher, long live Meher,
Long live Meher Our Savior.

This is His holy day of Birth
And this the day of our rebirth;
This is the day of joy and mirth
The day to transcend Birth and Death,

Prophets came and prophets went―
But, who can equal His advent?
He is immortal in our heart

And we are immortal in His heart.
The dawn is on! The night is gone!
Forward, New Race to Life Divine!
No more tears! No more fear;
The Sun of Love and Light is here

To see Him is a thrill of joy
His gracious look is sweet and coy;
To touch Him is nectar-delight
Be lamp of Love; He is the LIGHT.

His silent patting heals the mind
And we feel—here is our Friend;
His wordless words are seeds of Truth,
His formless Form informs our path.

His Embrace is a Song of BLISS . . .
A new Life blossoms by His Kiss!
His Omnipresence, who can miss?
In Himself He has all that IS.

His language is the Psychic LOVE;
All languages must learn it now!
Human Isms have become cold
Here is One Good, One Godly world.

And One Mankind faithful and bold
Built up by Baba’s Grace untold —
Our time is beyond “IS” and “WAS”
Since we have Baba’s Sahavas!! 

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