To see the entire collection of Meher Baba Family (Baba Zoom) Youtube videos,
click here
Scroll down for our most popular playlists:
The entire Zoom collection of Effort and Grace
Click to the right to enjoy the entire playlist of edited Zoom Effort and Grace discussions with Jeff Wolverton! Season 1 was 32 weeks, Season 2 was 37 weeks. You can skip forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen. Enjoy!
Late Night Chats
Click play and enjoy the entire playlist of Late Night Chats! Recently expanded to three nights a week with various hosts. The most recent late night chats appear first in this playlist. You can skip forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen.
Potluck Celebration meetings
These are meetings where participants share stories about wonderful people…
Click play to enjoy the entire playlist of meetings organized to celebrate specific individual’s lives, and their love for Baba.
You can skip forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen.
Music Programs (All of them!)
Click play to enjoy our entire playlist of music on Baba Zoom dedicated to Meher Baba. Newest concerts will come first. You can skip forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen.
Archival Footage from 2001-2004
Click play and enjoy a collection of 62 videos, recorded by Angela Lee Chen when she was working for Meher Baba House in New York and also videotaping the Northeast Gatherings. Some very rare talks here, and also footage of the Meher Baba community socializing and having fun!
You can skip forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen.
A selection of Meher Baba plays
Click play and enjoy our selection of Meher Baba plays available on YouTube!
You can skip forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen.
Reading Groups
Click play and enjoy having several books read aloud to you! You can press forward or back to the next video, you can also make the video full screen. Several of these groups are ongoing, so more videos will be added to the bottom of the list.
“Creation and its Causes”
“Civilisation or Chaos?” by Irene Conybeare
“Lord Meher”
“Sobs and Throbs” by Ramjoo
“God Speaks”
“Ramjoo’s Diaries”
“Listen Humanity”
“God to Man and Man to God” by CB Purdom
“More Light” by Tom Riley
With your support, anything is possible
We are are community-supported and community-driven. Your contribution today determines what we are able to accomplish. Besides our own administrative expenses, we also have a Tech Fund to help those who would love to participate but are limited by their equipment. Any extra will be applied to a Baba service project.
Contributions are not tax-deductible
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