Daily jigsaw puzzle (image rendered by Prasad Kora): Click Here
Daily Sketch from Barbara Schauer:

Daily Painting
by Paul Uccello

Daily Poem
“As We Try To Remember You”
by Bob Jaeger
to the tune of “As I went down to the river to pray”
As we try to remember You
In all that we think and say or do
We need Your love all night and day
Dear Lord show us the way
O brothers love Him more
Open our hearts at the Tavern door
O brothers love Him more
Until He helps us stay
As we try to remember You
In all that we think and say or do
We need to find You every day
Dear Lord show us the way
O sisters love Him more
Open our hearts at the Tavern door
O sisters love Him more
Until He helps us stay
As we try to remember You
In all that we think and say or do
We need Your presence every day
Dear Lord show us the way
O mothers love Him more
Open our hearts at the Tavern door
O mothers love Him more
Until He helps us stay
As we try to remember You
In all that we think and say or do
We need to be Yours every day
Dear Lord show us the way