Meher Advent 2024 – Day 12

Daily jigsaw puzzle (image rendered by Prasad Kora): Click Here

Daily Sketch from Barbara Schauer:

Daily Painting

“I Have Come” by John Parry

Daily Poem

“A Real Voice”
by Gabriella Tal

white swirling softness,
   clouds as long-necked birds
   circle round one another
and You, my inspiration
           call me Home.
as my body tells on itself
                  of age, of curiosity,
every moment of time seems wavering
               and precious
                            as a star. 
I have been dead while alive,
    in my own soft white circling,
time wasted when I could have been
             running to You,
                      running to You.
Take me out of this endless void of softness,
Give me crisp certainty
and a real voice again
     that You may hear me calling out to You
                      even if it be
                                from far away.

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