Highlights Week of Mar 8, 2021

Please watch this little explainer video about how to use our website and our resources: https://youtu.be/mcL5qQTA_zg

All times below in EST/EDT. Here is an excellent time zone converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

The events calendar has way more excellent events than listed here… this is just the super highlights! Click on “events” to see the calendar.

This week highlight eventsĀ :
Monday 10.30am Sing His Name with Debbie Nordeen
Tuesday noon Dance for Baba (a Baba lover’s dream playlist!)
Tuesday 10pm Late Night Chat with Jeff Wolverton
Friday 10.15am Pratap Ahir stories
Saturday 11.30am Meher Jammers – live music from talented younger Baba lovers in India!
Saturday 3pm NEW discussion group: Baba in your Daily life – with Jeff Wolverton/breakout rooms
Sunday 11.30am Celebrating Padri! A potluck meeting, Peter Nordeen to kick us off
Sunday 5pm Effort and Grace and 10pm late night chat with Jeff Wolverton

Way more events listed on our calendar! Visit babazoom.net and click on events, scroll down to the calendar of events. Watch the explainer video for how to add the calendar to your own desktop. NOTE THE TIME CHANGE March 14.

New Concert series starts March 18, every Thursday 7pm.
New Laugh Therapy, starts Fridays at noon.
March 20: Celebrating one year of Zooming together!
March 21: Joint concert VJ Bhalekar and Michelle Shafer

FEATURED RECENT RECORDINGS (we have many more than listed):
-An Artist’s View: interview with Gregg Rosen: https://youtu.be/TW_2veJXXsI
Celebrating Fred and Ella Winterfeldt: https://youtu.be/R55UcDHWIxc
Sunday Jim Meyer Devotional Concert: https://youtu.be/O3zDNSlJoFg

Looking forward to seeing you on Baba Zoom. Also, please join our new Facebook page, and subscribe to our new Youtube channel!
Jai Meher Baba!